Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight and 24

The above would describe the most anticipate film and TV moments of the fall season. I am giddy for the latter and blissfully limited in my knowledge of the former. Having neices who read (and a sister too apparently). I know all about the Twilight series and it teen-phenom following. If I go to my resident critic neice, 13 year old Cailyn, skepticism is the word of the day. She is convinced they are going to screw it up. I am going to challenge her to write me a review. So we shall see.

For me, the review to wait for is on my main man Jack Bauer and the prequel movie of 24. This for me is the pinnacle of the fall season. I have fewer and fewer appointment TV moments these days and at it's worst 24 has remained among them. For a show whose intriguing concept delivered on its promise I for one after a full year without it am once again looking forward to my clicking digital clock returning to my TV screen.

Twilight - in theaters today
24 - Sunday night on Fox.

Something for everyone to enjoy!

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