Saturday, September 27, 2008

Paul Newman - A man in a class all his own.

I dare you to find one person who likes movies that doesn't like Paul Newman. Adoration may range from 'can do no wrong' fandom to mere respect for a given role. The fact is he was the embodiment of why we have sayings like "He was a man's man". There was so much to like about Newman, he was a great actor, an amazing philanthropist, a devoted family man, he scoffed at Hollywood and the many trappings contained there, he drank beer and smoked and never apologized for either. He lived a life, from all observations of fierce determination, which is to say he appeared to live his life unapologetically and for that he has my ultimate respect. It among so many things is a reason to mark his passing.

My first Paul Newman film would surprise few, The Verdict was about an attorney and a thriller. All things I was feverishly interested in as a teenager. I was an instant fan and went on to watch easily 2/3 of his work on film. Everyone knows the big ones - Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Towering Inferno, Butch Cassidy & the Sundance Kid, The Sting and later on, Absence of Malice, Color of Money. While these films and so many more defined his career, Paul Newman's body of work proves how skilled he was as an actor. My vote, if you want to look at terrific work by Newman, check out one of the following, lesser known films:

The Young Philadelphians - This is a film that is a little Peyton Place meets rags to riches story. It's an interesting small town drama that has a marvelously quiet performance from Newman.

A New Kind of Love - yes it's cotton candy, and yes Rock Hudson owned this genre, but the sheer idea that Newman and Woodward did this picture makes it worth the 2 hours, both are gleefully fun, especially when you put it next to the likes of HUD

Paris Blues - Paul Newman, Sidney Poitier, need I say more?

From the Terrace - This is one of those films that you don't expect, Joanne Woodward completely against type, Newman in my opinion in a tour de force carrying the film. It is a movie about social climbing, love and hate.

Others worth mentioning - for older Newman, revisit Nobody's Fool, it is one of his best performances in my opinion. Message in a Bottle is a wonderful cameo/supporting role in an average movie. For great trivia, you can rent Our Town as a double feature - the earlier version which co-stars Frank Sinatra and Eva Marie Saint and the 2003 staged version he directed and co-stared in. Of course a movie list from me would not be complete without Slapshot, because it is gritty, filthy and about hockey what could be bad about that!

Rest in Peace Paul Newman, while Connecticut is a little duller today, we are grateful for the time you have shared with us on screen and for the thousands of children who were touched by your kindness.

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