Saturday, January 12, 2008

We few, we happy few...

Inspired by my cousin Julie who dared to begin a blog with a husband, twin boys and a new promotion and with Melissa's ever constant "You should start a blog" cadence I am taking the plunge.

Of course my first challenge was to decide what on earth I wanted to write about and what would have at a minimum my friends and family possibly stopping by on occasion. I realized in my unemployment as I have caught up on my movie watching just how much I miss chatting and dissecting films and TV with friends.

So in light of the fact that there is a writer's strike, no more original film programming and a cancelled Golden Globes this weekend I thought this would be the perfect time to start up a blog on this topic.

Hope everyone enjoys...

1 comment:

Marketing Excellence Inc. said...

I look forward to checking in from time to time and reading it.